For those who need or prefer our curbside pickup, we have new updated availabilities. We are making a few changes to the program that are necessary to be able to provide this service and open our doors to walk in traffic.
- We are accepting orders 24/7 by email or through online store ONLY! For email: you can use our google doc or email me a detailed shopping list. Please use this email so your orders don’t get lost.
- We can no longer accept phone orders or any orders submitted by Facebook messenger, Google messenger or any other messaging service.
- Curbside pickup orders now have a minimum order which is $25.
- Curbside pickup will only be available Tuesday – Friday during the afternoon. So if you would like your order before the weekend, please make sure you get it in by Thursday at 2pm for Friday afternoon pickup.
- Order cutoff time for next day pickup is 2pm.
- Our pickup location has MOVED to just past the skids of bagged goods so we can bring your order out the backside of the market.
All of these changes are necessary to provide the proper customer service to all customers.
We appreciate your support!
The Linnemann Family
Please download our Online Order Form
When it opens in google doc, select “file” then “download in word”. Next, fill out your order form using our availability lists as a reference for what can be ordered at this time. Then save the completed document to your computer. Once this is done, complete our Prairie View Curbside Pickup Contact Information Form. On this form, fill out the contact information completely then when prompted upload your completed ONLINE ORDER FORM.
Once the order is pulled, we will contact you to confirm your pick up time and take payment if you didn’t order through our online store.
Availability Lists as of 4/29/2020:
Vegetable and Herb Availability