Plant Availability for 4/17 – We are OPEN for online and email orders.

Posted on April 16, 2020 in Garden Gab

And so the 2020 season begins!  It may have been different in the past.  But gardeners are by nature… optimists.  We believe in tomorrows!  So we got this!

Our April Hours:  Wednesday – Sunday 9am-4pm  (Due to a reduced staff – we will closed Monday & Tuesday) This is hopefully short term and may change at anytime.  We hope to be open 7 days a week by the time it is prime gardening season.

Our online store has been filled with vegetable and herb plants that are ready.  More varieties will come next week and the week after that until we are fully stocked with all the varieties we carry. We also have posted all the perennials that are ready to find a new home in your garden.  Shrubs and 4.5″ Potted Annuals will be the next additions to the store. It will take awhile to get everything in the store so please look at our weekly availability for what is coming soon and what is currently available but might not yet be posted in our online store.

We will send out a full weekly availability to all customers on our email list.  You will also be able to find it on this blog.

This is definitely new for us and you!  We will be tweaking the system as the season progresses and are hopeful that with proper social distancing the governor will allow us to open soon! This will may mean some changes in our yard set up and we may be changing what building houses what plants in an effort to make social distancing easier to accomplish. We are working hard behind the scenes…talking to our lawmakers to figure out a safe way to open for the season.  Once we get it all figured out, we will let you know.  But for now – shop in your jammies….enjoy a glass of wine….shop 24/7…arrange for a convenient pick up time….and enjoy your garden!

Please download our Online Order Form

When it opens in google doc, select “file” then “download in word”.  Next, fill out your order form using our availability lists as a reference for what can be ordered at this time. Then save the completed document to your computer. Once this is done, complete our Prairie View Curbside Pickup Contact Information Form. On this form, fill out the contact information completely then when prompted upload your completed ONLINE ORDER FORM.

Once the order is pulled, we will contact you to confirm your pick up time and take payment if you didn’t order through our online store.

Availability Lists as of 4/16/2020:

10″ & 14″ Hanging Basket Availability

Potted Annual Availability

Vegetable and Herb Plant Availability

Perennial Availability

Shrub Availability